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Since 1951 IRROMETER® tensiometers have been the preferred choice of growers, irrigation experts, and researchers alike for the most simple, affordable, and reliable measurement of available soil water.


SKU IRR-LT Category


Since 1951 IRROMETER® tensiometers have been the preferred choice of soil moisture meter for growers, irrigation experts, and researchers alike for the most simple, affordable, and reliable measurement of available soil water.

The IRROMETER acts like an artificial root by exchanging water with the surrouding soil just like a plant does. It is measuring the actual soil water tension, which indicates the effort required by root systems to extract water from the soil. This creates a change in reading on the gauge, which offers a reliable means of measuring soil moisture for irrigation scheduling. Because the IRROMETER is a true measurement of soil water tension, it is not affected by salinity or temperature and does not require site calibration.

The IRROMETER Model LT (Low Tension) was designed to operate in coarse sandy soils and non-soil growing media. With a range of 0-40 centibars (cb) or kilopascals (kPa), this instrument is for use in situations where tensions above 30 cb (kPa) are rarely expected. Gauge increments of 1 cb (kPa) provide a benefit where finer resolution near saturation is needed. This model instrument is also well suited for conditions where rapidly changing soil moisture conditions need to be observed. The “Quick-Flo” ceramic tip is colored blue for easy identification.

• 0-40 cb (kPa) range gauge

• “Quick-Flo” ceramic tip (blue)

• Air-free gauge gives accurate readings

• Large reservoir makes maintenance easy

• IP 67 gauge designed for harsh environments. Has membrane vent for emperature and elevation compensation with improved accuracy



Additional information
Weight 0.44 kg
Dimensions 29 × 20 × 9 cm

150mm, 300mm